Things Dancers have to hear


Being a dancer enables your body and soul to be one. You’re in unison with the universe and with yourself. Music is home, pain is nothing, body limitations are practically non existent…and so is the understanding of the people around you. So here are a couple of things that we have to hear on a regular basis, in hopes that you’ll be kind enough to not repeat them and if you do, add a touch of awe and a few inspired tears to go with them. Thanks.

1) “How much will/do you dance?”

Till my feet fall off, thankyou very much.

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2) “Stop it, we’re in public

Excuse me, but my body can’t help but move on its own when a good song (or a song in general) comes on.


3) “Dancing is okay as a hobby and all, but not a career”

*stabs you*

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4) “Can you do a split?”

Yes, yes I can.

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5) “Can you show me?”

Yes, yes I can.

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6) “If you keep doing that you’ll end up disabled/in the hospital”

Not if I do it right. Thankyou for your concern though.

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7) “What’s the difference between * insert two completely different styles*?

We don’t usually mind this that much and do our best to try and explain, but please don’t expect a whole thesis. Google is thy friend.

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8) “Do even eat/how much do you eat?”

I eat as much as I should. Goodbye

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9) “What do you even wear for dance class/ THAT’S what you wear for dance class?”

I wear what’s comfortable. Dance clothes aren’t all that different from workout clothes.

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And the best one:

10) “HOW do you do that?”



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Thanks for coming!

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all images via



This is just a spur of the moment thing. It’s raw, unedited emotion. It’s not that good, not by any means, but it’s honest. And I hope that more than makes up for it.

***I’m bursting at the seams

I don’t know what to say

What to write

I don’t know what this feeling is

Is this what bliss feels like?

Utter and complete bliss

It’s funny, you know

I never thought I’ll feel this way

Those days

Those days I couldn’t think about much

Those days I couldn’t think beyond 

Or get beyond

Why I existed 

If there was any reason

Any meaning 

And I’ve found it

And I’ve found them

And I’m so full

I’m so


Of love 

Of passion 

Of inspiration 

Where is this coming from

I don’t understand 

Is this what bliss feels like?

I’ve never felt it before

I’m coloured pink

I’m coloured red

I’m shaking and smiling

And laughing 

And my eyes are soft

And my heart turned into mush

Am I still smiling?

I am

It’s a beautiful feeling 


This, really is

All the sadness in the world

It hardly seems fair

Why would anyone choose to hate

When this


This is how they could feel

This is how they could be

This is the passion and excitement 

And love

That they could live with every day


I don’t understand it

Other than the fact that it makes me

So completely 

So fully happy

I don’t know much about it

I’m lucky

I don’t know

Is this what bliss feels like?

It’s a high

It’s addictive 

I never want to come down

I love

I have so much love

To give 

To you

To them

To everyone 

I think I’m crazy

I think I like it

I think you much agree

I don’t know

Is this what bliss feels like?

Because if it is

I don’t want anything else in the world